DAI PIN KWEN Starts with 3 bows ended ping chan kwen legs together, flex the knees, cern pow jahng, cern big jahng, thrust fingers front, to the sides, and up cross arms on front with palms facing up retract fists on the side of the waist, straight the knees . . . Ending like Siu Ping Kwen with gong ma, cern cum jeurgn buy ma + chern kwe + cheun la pun kew + sow choi, buy ma + gwa choi turn, gong ma + gong jeurng, cum jerng + fu jow fu jey, yong ma + pow jeurng step 90ยบ + chewn la pun kew + cum jeurng + fu jow fu jey + tek girk, la + la, churn nang choi